Outreach and Communications:

Chair: John Harmon
Mike Barretta, Ryan Asmus, Matt Snyder, Gina Duggleby, Greg Keener, Mike Scanlon, and George Reck

The mission of the committee is to effectively communicate the events, biology, and history within the Oneida Lake watershed, and provide timely and accurate information about recreation within that region. In addition to advancing the Annual Meeting, this committee also organizes our presence at various sports shows and functions to promote OLA's Charter. The committee will perform maintenance and upkeep of the nine OLA signs and their surrounding immediate area based upon an ongoing assessment of their contemporary message(s), appearance and condition, as a means of promoting OLA awareness, providing advertising for local businesses and thereby generating income for the OLA, and conveying membership relevancy.


Natural Resources:

Chair: Ed Mills
Kurt Snyder, Matt Kazmierski, Rip Colesante, Warren Darby, Bill Lints, Gina Duggleby, and Rowly Hrywnak

The committee's purpose includes the engagement, review, analysis, and preparation of preliminary position statements about issues and events related to Oneida Lake water levels, lake inflows, and watershed conditions potentially influencing the lake's water quality, recreational use, and the general lake environment.



Chair: Rip Colesante
Bill Girvan, Matt Kazmierski, Bill Alexander, Kurt Snyder, Tony Buffa, Warren Darby, Bill Lints, and Rowly Hrywnak

Focus includes identification and assessment of fisheries issues as they relate to Oneida Lake. The committee's work entails preparation of defensible position statements that represent the OLA and its membership, and interaction with the NYSDEC and elected officials to advance these OLA positions. Fisheries issues can include, but are not limited to, angling activities and regulations, fish culture, fisheries research, fishing access, and general lake management.



Chair: Lance Vella
Kurt Snyder, Bob Cote, and Bruce Schantz

The committee maintains business banking accounts for cash receipts from all sources. Its chairperson reports account balances to the board of directors at monthly meetings, as well as summarizes cash balances to members at the association's annual meeting. The committee's responsibilities include the annual Federal and New York State non-profit income tax preparations. Committee chairs advise officers of available funds for annual expenses and special needs, and coordinate with membership functions to maximize the use of funds to increase rolls.


Government Affairs:

Chair: Matt Snyder
Ed Mills, Kurt Snyder, Bob Cote, Bill Girvan, Bob Walczyk, Warren Darby, Patricia Cerro-Reehil, Carl Ford, Bill Lints, and Bill Alexander.

The mission of the government affairs committee is to advance the best interests of Oneida Lake as determined by the OLA’s executive committee or other committees as designated by the President as follows:

1) Fostering positive relationships with elected and appointed government officials and their delegates who are involved with legislation, policy, budget, or other government actions relating to Oneida Lake;

2) Educating elected and appointed officials about Oneida Lake’s history and its importance to the surrounding area;

3) Advocating before elected officials and appointed government representatives regarding legislative and regulatory issues that may affect the welfare of Oneida Lake;

4) Influencing the political process by promoting government policies and programs that positively affect Oneida Lake; and

5) Monitoring the political environment, from both a legislative and regulatory standpoint, to ensure that any pending government action takes into account positions of importance to the OLA.



Chair: Bruce Schantz
Lance Vella, George Reck, Gina Duggleby, and Greg Keener.

The mission of the membership committee entails increasing the number and diversity of OLA members by keeping our organizational appeal as wide as possible by focusing on recruitment of new members, retention and engagement of current members, and providing valued services to our membership.


Annual Outing at Arrowhead Lodge:

Co-Chair Matt Kazmierski
George Reck


Your questions and comments are welcome and we do our best to respond as soon as we can.

Mailing Address:

Oneida Lake Association
PO Box 3536 Syracuse, NY 13220-3536

Join us!