Oneida Lake Association

The Mission of the Oneida Lake Association is to protect the fisheries, wildlife, and natural resources of Oneida Lake by promoting science-based conservation and management through education and outreach, in partnership with our members and local communities.

The Oneida Lake Association (OLA) was founded in 1945 to protect, restore and preserve the natural resources of Oneida Lake and its surrounding ecosystem. The OLA has evolved from what was once perceived as a fishing association to what has today become a powerful environmental partnership group. 

The OLA represents its 2,500+ members in legislative and environmental issues which impact Oneida Lake. The Oneida Lake Association achieves its political strength from its highly valued Membership, without whom most of its efforts would be severely diminished. Have a look at the benefits of membership in the OLA, and what it has to offer you. Read more..


What's New?

Check out our new "My First Oneida Fish" Award Certificate. Simply download and print the certificate, then fill in the name and date for that special angler who just caught his or her first fish from Oneida Lake!


Your questions and comments are welcome and we do our best to respond as soon as we can.

Mailing Address:

Oneida Lake Association
PO Box 3536 Syracuse, NY 13220-3536

Join us!

Copyright Oneida Lake Association 1945 - 2023 | Purpose and Area of Operations